Streamline Influencer Management for Your Brand

Say goodbye to spreadsheets. Our influencer CRM keeps your campaigns organized, efficient, and profitable!

Campaigns Built for Automation

Dreamwell's influencer CRM revolutionizes how you manage influencer partnerships. Our intuitive workflow tools keep your team and influencers working off accurate, up-to-date data, while saving your team time.

Source of Truth

Centralized Data

Keep all your influencer data in one place. Track engagement rates, ROAS, past campaigns, and future deals without ever having to switch between platforms.


Effective Communication

Maintain effective communication with your influencers. Our CRM is always one step ahead and uses generative AI to help you with drafting outreach messages and ad scripts.


Workflow Management

Never miss a deadline again. Our workflow tools help you manage every step of the deal from negotiations and product seeding, to live deal ROAS tracking and upgrading to a longer-term partnership.

The Benefits of Dreamwell's Influencer CRM

Simplify your influencer marketing process with Dreamwell's influencer CRM. Experience the benefits of streamlined influencer management.

Improved Efficiency

Say goodbye to complex spreadsheets and scattered data. Our influencer CRM improves your team's efficiency by keeping everything in one place.

Better Relationship Management

Our CRM makes it easier to manage relationships with influencers. With all your communication in one place, you can focus on building strong, successful partnerships.

Increase Campaign Success

With better organization and workflow management, your campaigns are more likely to succeed. Stay on top of your projects and ensure every campaign runs smoothly.

Ready to streamline your influencer management?
Sign up to see Dreamwell's influencer CRM today!