Find the Right Influencers for Your Brand

Let our smart prospecting tools do the heavy lifting in your influencer search. Save time, effort, and increase your campaign's success.

The Power of AI in Prospecting

Manual influencer search is a thing of the past. With Dreamwell's Smart Influencer Prospecting, our AI technology scans the web and your content to find influencers that align with your brand and its message.


Website Analysis

Our AI tools scan your company's website to understand your brand, its products, and its values.


Keyword Extraction

The AI then generates relevant content keywords from your website content to ensure we find influencers that are the perfect match.


Search and Qualify

Our product uses these keywords to search social platforms like YouTube, identifying influencers whose content aligns with your brand and has statistics that indicate a strong converting audience.

The Benefits of AI Prospecting

Harness the power of AI to streamline your influencer prospecting process.

Save Time

No more hours spent on manual searches. Our AI does the work for you, so you can focus on what matters.

Find Better Matches

The product's understanding of your brand and its relevant keywords ensures the influencers it finds are a good fit for your brand. Our qualification processes support you in advertising to only the strongest audiences.

Increase Campaign Success

By finding the right influencers, you can increase your campaign's chances of success. Better influencer-brand alignment and a strong audience means more genuine endorsements and a higher ROAS (return-on-ad-spend).

Ready to automate your influencer search?
Sign up for a demo today!